Suggestion Vancouver Island club forum proposal

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Reaction score
Victoria bc
# of dives
500 - 999
A group of local divers on southern Vancouver Island have started a new dive club called South Island Divers. We are not affiliated with any particular dive shop, and welcome all who are interested. There are abut 30 signed up, and I would like to get a sub forum in Western Canada like the other dive clubs. I will get the other members to reply, as I understand this is the process.
Are you qualified? I don't think us up-Island folk were invited :(

Richard qualified for sure, I don't know about you.:D You may have to start the Mid Island Diving club.
Richard qualified for sure, I don't know about you.:D You may have to start the Mid Island Diving club.

What possible reason could you have for excluding mid-Islanders?
I am not a fan of the new forum name. I thought it would be inclusive for Vancouver Island (like your thread title), not an exclusive club.

The idea of the club was not to exclude anyone, nor has anyone been excluded. When the idea was tossed around, other divers told me the north island had a couple of organized clubs already, so we went with the current name. Names are a tough call, I've played in enough rock bands with stupid names to know you will never please everyone involved, so I apologize in advance to anyone who doesn't like it.
A non commercial club aimed at providing a reason for new and not so new divers to get out diving more.

What possible reason could you have for excluding mid-Islanders?

I am not a fan of the new forum name. I thought it would be inclusive for Vancouver Island (like your thread title), not an exclusive club.

Hey Dave, I was joking. Why would I want to exclude a fellow Meg diver.

The idea of the club was not to exclude anyone, nor has anyone been excluded. When the idea was tossed around, other divers told me the north island had a couple of organized clubs already, so we went with the current name. Names are a tough call, I've played in enough rock bands with stupid names to know you will never please everyone involved, so I apologize in advance to anyone who doesn't like it.
Why not add something to the description like "We welcome guests from other areas. Who knows? You might even like it here? :)"

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