Van Aquarium divers

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Reaction score
# of dives
200 - 499
Just signed up, wondering who's done/doing it, can you tell me what to expect?
What to expect: excellent vis :D
Is there a website for this aquarium? Sounds like it could be fun diving. I worked for Coral World in St. Thomas USVI for a while and I had to dive in their tanks for maintenance. It gets quite interesting at feeding time!
Hi askdjasd,

I'm only somewhat involved in the volunteer dive program at the Aquarium as my department (Tropical Waters) uses them for diving in the shark exhibit, Indo-Pacific reef and under very special circumstances, the giant fishes exhibit. Normally, the Aquarium asks for a bit of a committment - somewhat regular attendance in exchange for some diver education and a chance to dive in some pretty special places (exhibits). It's usually a lot of hard work using either elbow grease or powered scrubbers and vis really varies - from unlimited (at least to the other wall...) to down-right "Lake Erie of the early 80's" - depending on exhibit and how much sun rainy-Vancouver has received.

When I was running the volunteer diving program in the early 90's I offered instruction and practice with gear configuration, finning techniques and buoyancy skills - all useful skills and exercises for exhibit diving.

Anyway, we'd really have a tough time maintaining the exhibits with only staff divers so we value our volunteers very much. I hope you get as much from the experience as the Aquarium does!

Lee Newman
Curator of Tropical Waters
Vancouver Aquarium

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