I was bringing up the rear of a group (6-8 divers) in Rainbow in March. Another instructor was leading and carrying the flag for all of us. We briefed the group about staying together and I was very conscious about keeping an eye on our flag and our group together, as we always do in RR.
We had a private boat pull up and drop anchor on top of us as well. I surfaced and (politely) asked the owner if he knew about the flag. He said he did and then proceeded to chew us out, saying that we weren't staying close enough to our flag and that he did nothing wrong.
I kept cool and basically asked him--Isn't avoiding running over and hurting someone more important that being right? He was belligerent and still said we weren't within 100' of our flag that we were wrong and he was right.
The attitude of people these days amazes me. It was like if he had killed someone his logic would have been, "Tough $h!?, it's not my fault the guy was away from his flag... I didn't do anything wrong. It's all his fault."
We were within the 100' range of our flag, but for future dives, I will always bring a second flag for the rear of the group. Still though, a dive flag is not a suit of protective armor or a bullet proof vest--it is just a communication tool to notify that there are divers below.
Education of the boating public is the key to that communication being effective.
Too bad you could not find something substantial to secure his anchor so he could not drift away.