This will be considered anecdotal also, but I found it interesting. A few years ago in Roatan, a DM told me that they had switched locations fairly recently for the shark dive. He said that while the sharks were indifferent and scarce at the beginning of the previous location, they had become more curious and were getting closer. He said that after they left the old area, sharks were still seen coming into the area for several months after, then dropped off. In the newer location, more and more sharks were coming in to investigate. I could see that the grouper and other fish around seemed to be of no interest to the sharks and all they were focussed on was what was in the bucket.
Clearly, the natural behaviour of the sharks is being altered. They are learning new behaviours and acquiring familiarity with humans on these shark feeding dives. They may even continue these behaviours for months after the feedings have stopped. That itself is enough for me to not want to do another shark feeding dive.
Clearly, the natural behaviour of the sharks is being altered. They are learning new behaviours and acquiring familiarity with humans on these shark feeding dives. They may even continue these behaviours for months after the feedings have stopped. That itself is enough for me to not want to do another shark feeding dive.