US Divers-What are you doing with the $600 rebate?

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Didn't Bush and the Rep. party get blasted a couple of years ago for giving back $400 to $500 because there was a "surplus" in the budget? Later the same budget had a deficit!

There were people clamoring for their money and later complained because there was a deficit!

I think it's funny how history tends to repeat itself... Mistakes are only useful if we actually learn from them.[/soap box]
Well, there is always the upcoming Invade the Keys! :D What better to way to spend your money and a few days, but with the wonderful users, mods and advisors of :sblogo:! :D

Yeah baby: be there or be square!
To see Pelosi and Bush holding hands sing we shall over come is a very very very frightning event ...our country has finally been taken over by the "D" students of the graduating class is alarming to see how the extremely mediocre have risen to the top of the heep ...!

<disclaimer> I voted twice for Bushes BS ...but he was the lesser of the two evils... two times, so what does that say about the state of politics in this country.And now look at the cast of characters is truly pathetic ...and then you wonder why there lining up to give out money ...
We're using ours to pay down our consumer debt.

Over time, that will permit us to use more of our money to buy goods and services--instead of flushing it down the toilet in the form of non-deductible interest.

I think that is the best way for us to improve our small piece of the economy :)
And another thought on the subject ...the problem with our economy right now is that the banks don't have enough money in reserve to finance loaning money to perspective borrowers. AMOF this condition has been getting worse since June 2007. The Fed knows it and is finally doing something drastic to ease the credit crunch. Last week was 75 basis points and probably this week 50 more on tuesday. Now the Treasury is finally acting ..rather than help bail out the banks they are going to give money to the population to spend which inturn encourages more consumer debt which leads to more credit debt and thus the spiral down makes another revolution on the way to a credit crash.

Take this money and hoard it in a CD or IRA ... or your 401 k, 125, or HSA. If you do nothing else purchase a tax free muni fund and sit on it for twenty years ...don't give it to your LDS, Radio Shack, Wal Mart, AutoZone...local car dealer ...whatever ...let this slow down run its course and clear out the speculators and rift raft that lead up the housing price explosion.

When they tell you we have modest to low inflation they are lying through their teeth, construction cost since the fall of 06 have increased by 300% ...but there is no inflation...BS. Oil has gone from 40 to 100 bucks / barrel but there is no inflation BS..houses have gone from 150k to 550k (median over the past 5 years) and there is no inflation it is all BS. Giving you money to burn will only lead to more inflation.

Its bad enough that the Fed has to pump so much money into the economy because of panick on their part (rather than ease the rates lower since last spring tey are pulling the rug out from under them now). This in and of itself is inflationary ...sad thing is you'll get your $1200.00 bucks along with increased foods prices , gasoline, heating oil, etc ...spend away.

Leason learned ..spend till the government bails you out then spend just alittle more till you file for bankruptcy...just remember, lemmings, the government tookthe BK option away from you two years ago up will be the introduction of Debtors Prison ...hows that sound. Don't laugh is white and up is down right now.
It will go where most of my money goes-into the boat, dockage, gas, parst, electonics, modifications. I love boats, the best (least money involved) boat I ever had was a 12 ft inflatable with a 25 hp engine. I still have the engine.
First of all are we in a recession? GDP last three quarters was positive AMOF Q3 2007 was revised to 4.9% ...Rail Transports reported this week that they are having an increase in business. The dollar is cheap and exports are why a stimulus package that even Republicans are signing up for??? Election year give pandering thats why...its so blatant it borders on idiocy ..and the taxpayers are tripping over themselves to get it.I find the entire thing to be disgusting.

So you get a loan from the government only to have your taxes increased to cover the cost, it is not free and it is not a rebate since folks who don't pay taxes get a check from the governement even though they don't contribute to the tax revenues...also you get a check and buy more junk from China ...adding to the landfils and the hoax of the century your carbon footprint ...ha ha ha ..Americans are just plan lemmings.

Do yourself a favor and show some discipline ..take the check and immediately buy an IRA and stick it straight up the politicians nose. Invest the money and don't touch it, stop the cycle of debt financing ...Xian Chin doesn't need a new pair of shows for his kids ...your kids need a collage fund!!!!!! Save it don't spend it at - the very least...

then again go ahead a buy a new VISIO LCD TV so the Chinese& Saudis can buy more of our corporate assests..knock your f'n self out!!!

Are you a Dave Ramsey Fan?
No ..AMOF I am a fan of nobody anymore... I seem to become even less fan of the American Voters. We are at a point in our society that most voters will vote for anything that is good for them ..the country as a whole be damned. Granted we are stuck with mediocre leaders like Bush, Pelosi, Reid California Peratta, Nunez and Swartzeneggar about below average intellect and skills ...JHC almighty!!! Collectively I place there cumulative HQ's in the low 600's for all six!!

I remember back in the early 90's Limbaugh was using an absurd example to make a point ...why not have the government (nanny state) pay for peoples mortgages since thats where this socialist programs were heading. Well isn't that what Limbaughs administration i.e. The Bush Administration is doing right now ...freezing interest rates for adjustable mortgages so people don't go into foreclosurer. Well what about the 97% of home owners out there like me who scratched up the 20% down and worked through the system to get the best 30 yr fixed loan available and make our payments ...Should I get a new interest rate say 4.7% just because some others gamed the system and got dragged up in the interest resets currently happening right now. The last time we saw (well not us but our grandparents) greed and ignorance like this was in 1932 do the rest of the math for the outcome! It took a world war to break the cycle of deflation (caused by excesive inflation in the late 20's) and misery... just a thought folks!

Look at the cast of characters we have to choose from:
Clinton obsessed with power she can't see she is wearing a white pointed hood
Obama...the bat boy he gets to wear the uniform but has never fielded a ground ball or swung the bat
Edwards ...enough said ..complete fake
Romney ...the polymer man so transparent he could double as plexiglass at a hockey rink.
McCann ..the manchurian Republican
Guilinani ...a complete mess
Huckeybee...Jimmy Carter resurrected from the political more southern baptist governors.
Ron Paul ...martian
Kucinich ...martian

No sorry I am a fan of none !
I don't beleive I need an economics class.....I live within my means, my house is almost paid for because I didn't borrow money against it at inflated values, I pay my credit card off every month. And my business makes money...... I don't look for hand outs from the government through social programs. I just simply stated that if they want to give me free money.......yes it is free, and their money since they already took it from me so that makes it theirs.....I will invest it in my future.
To see Pelosi and Bush holding hands sing we shall over come is a very very very frightning event ...our country has finally been taken over by the "D" students of the graduating class is alarming to see how the extremely mediocre have risen to the top of the heep ...!

<disclaimer> I voted twice for Bushes BS ...but he was the lesser of the two evils... two times, so what does that say about the state of politics in this country.And now look at the cast of characters is truly pathetic ...and then you wonder why there lining up to give out money ...

Yep - I voted for Bush also. I honestly don't think his intelligence is very high but I still believe that he was the best choice of bad choices!

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