US cell phones in Mexico

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Geography Police
Reaction score
New Mexico
# of dives
200 - 499
We're going to Mexico for a vacation. We don't want to pay inflated hotel prices for making phone calls from the hotel. We do have some calling cards, which allow int'l long distance (i.e. back to the US), but we'd have to use a pay phone (inflated hotel surcharge for a toll-free #...)

In theory, there are three options with cell phones:

(a) we can ask our provider to upgrade our plan to international calling. Presumably, if our existing network is compatible (GSM 1900 MHz), we would then be able to originate and receive calls while in Mexico. The downside is that any international airtime is extra (e.g. not part of the monthly minutes).

(b) I found some companies which advertise SIM cards that have "prepaid Mexico airtime." You (temporarily) replace the SIM card in your phone with the Mexico one while you're there. Downside: You can't be certain that the service works until you're there. (Most of what I found was aimed for travelers to Mexico City).

(c) When we were there last year, I met a diver who said that he bought a "prepaid phone". Basically, a "disposable" cell phone, which he bought after he'd arrived.

Any comments on options (a-c)? Anyone have any suggestions?

Thanks a bunch!
Would love to see what developes here. Looking at the same options.
check with t-mobile. if htey have coverage where you want to be then a GSM sim replacement is usually the cheapest option. i have a phone i bought from them w/no service specifically for this purpose. so far the only caribbean place it hasnt worked is grand caymen
check with t-mobile. if htey have coverage where you want to be then a GSM sim replacement is usually the cheapest option. i have a phone i bought from them w/no service specifically for this purpose. so far the only caribbean place it hasnt worked is grand caymen

Our phones/service are T-Mobile (formerly known as Voicestream). The T-Mobile global plan is something like $1.49/minute in Mexico (!!).

Are you saying that an international GSM SIM can be inserted in our phone & likely to be compatible in Mexico? (According to various GSM sites, GSM1900 is covered by Telcel in Mexico).


Our phones/service are T-Mobile (formerly known as Voicestream). The T-Mobile global plan is something like $1.49/minute in Mexico (!!).

Are you saying that an international GSM SIM can be inserted in our phone & likely to be compatible in Mexico? (According to various GSM sites, GSM1900 is covered by Telcel in Mexico).



thats what i'm saying. i use a 6315 (ipaq and t-mobile phone) for a pda here in the USA and as my cell when i travel. i also have a lawyer friend who has the same unit and travels all around the caribbean with the ipaq.

you 'may' have to have your phone unlocked to accept 3rd party sims, but if you've had your phone for 90 days, you can just call t-mobile and have it unlocked.
Even though they say your phone will work there, doesn't mean it will.

I had Mexico turned on as a country that I could roam in/from on my cell phone with AT&T.

First trip there, it didn't work. Called them when I got home and complained and they promised me they fixed it.

Second trip there, it didn't work. Same thing, same excues, same promises/lies.

Just FYI that no matter what they say, it still might not work.
Couldn't help you on this one...I go on vacation to relax WITHOUT THE PHONE.

There are some places in Cozumel that don't charge a rediculous sur-charge on 1-800-numbers in you need to call home...or call direct from your room (I did last year to remind my wife of what time to pick me up from the airport and it only cost $6.50 U.S. for a 15 minute call.)
Leave your cell phone home. Call it a vacation ! Send email if you need to.

adios don O
I have worked in Mexico half way down Baja, and found that my cell phone worked just fine. I don't know what it costs but, if on vacation I don't want to call anyway. I did while at work conditions. Garrenaro Negro was fine for cell coverage. Lorado also has good coverage.....B------

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