Update on Saturday's Dive Accidents

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Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
Saratoga, CA
# of dives
2500 - 4999
I have just received word that yesterday afternoon the decision was reached to disconnect CDR David Neely from life support systems and he passed away very shortly thereafter. This decision was based on a determination by two consulting neurologists that there was a complete absence of brain wave activity. CDR Neely was the diver on the Silver Prince Saturday morning who was evacuated following a dive accident.

That means we had TWO dive fatalities Saturday morning. And I have seen nothing in the press about either incident. I do know that PADI QM is investigating the accident with CDR Neely, but somehow I doubt that is going to lead to any understanding of what we as dive professionals can do to prevent similar accidents in the future.

My condolences to the families and loved ones..
I have just received word that yesterday afternoon the decision was reached to disconnect CDR David Neely from life support systems and he passed away very shortly thereafter. This decision was based on a determination by two consulting neurologists that there was a complete absence of brain wave activity. CDR Neely was the diver on the Silver Prince Saturday morning who was evacuated following a dive accident.

That means we had TWO dive fatalities Saturday morning. And I have seen nothing in the press about either incident. I do know that PADI QM is investigating the accident with CDR Neely, but somehow I doubt that is going to lead to any understanding of what we as dive professionals can do to prevent similar accidents in the future.


What's "CDR"

"CDR" is the standard abbreviation for "Commander", the U.S. Navy (and Coast Guard) rank (O-5) which is the equivalent of Lieutenant Colonel in the Army, Air Force, and Marine Corps. CDR Neely was a professor of electrical and computer engineering at the Naval Postgraduate School.
Are there any additional details to either? I am a student at NPS and we were only told that CDR Neely had passed.
I had asked similar questions after Dave Neely was taken to the hospital (search for the "Stillwater cove' posting). The most speficic response I got was from U/c spearo : There was an accident Saturday at Stillwater Cove around 1:00pm. I was spearfishing off my kayak around Fire Rock with two dive boats anchored in the area. While on a drop I heard a motor and a boat went by heading for the Beach Club. At the same time I could her EMS responding, a short time later a fire engine and ambulance arrived and starting working on the diver. Another diver later told us that the diver was brought up from the bottom. He said the boat was the Silver Prince, I don't know if he's right.

A memorial service was held at NPS on Tuesday, Sept 18th. My condolences go out to those who have recently learned of Dave's accident.

I understand there was another fatality at Breakwater per Peter C: "I have no real details of the accident, except the emergency responders pulled a diver out up over the wall past the gate to the Coast Guard area on the pier, and performed CPR on him for quite some time. I was later told he had passed away. My condolences to the family, whoever they are."

I hope the family and all who are interested find the answers to the questions they are seeking.

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