Update on my DUI drysuit...

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Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
New England
# of dives
200 - 499
Some of you may have read on a previous thread about the flooding problem I had with my Apeks low profile exhaust valve on my first ocean dive on my new TLS350 Signature Series drysuit. (Rather than refer you to the thread,the basic jist is that it flooded bigtime - had about a half-gallon of 50 degree water in my drysuit and had to abort the dive. Sent it back to DUI for a replacement with a Si-Tech valve.)

I just wanted to update you guys - I got several e-mails from Susan Long, president of DUI in regard to the issues I had with the leaky Apeks valve and the fact that my suit didn't come with the kneepads I'd ordered.

Let me first say that I'd originally written to Jackie Willey, the North American Customer Service rep, fairly unhappy with my first experience with my drysuit (not *all* the way to witchy, but stepping on that road :wink:). Jackie wrote back apologizing for the problems and promising a fix, explaining exactly what had happened with each problem.

Apparently DUI has worked with Apeks to redesign the low profile exhaust valve in the last year and a half and they've had apparent success. However, she explained that every once in a while, they still get a "lemon," which I apparently got.

The kneepad issue was due to faulty fax transmission between my dealer and their fax - on whose end, I dont' know, but they missed the order for kneepads on the order they received. OK. She promised to make things better. I called her to reaffirm everything and make sure we were on the same page and she was very pleasant and accomodating.

Just after DEMA ended, I received an e-mail from Susan Long, President of DUI, saying she'd read the e-mails between Jackie and me, and apologizing again that my experience with DUI drysuit wasn't up to my expectations and telling me that they were going to work to make things right. She reaffirmed that fact that the Apeks valves had been redesigned and that there were very, very few issues with them since the redesign. (To be fair, I've seen that many of the posts I've seen here with Apeks issues have been on valves in suits people got more than 2 years ago. My LDS also said that mine is the first drysuit they've sold that had to be returned for a leaky exhaust valve.)

She asked if she could do anything on her end to assist further - I replied that it looked like things were under control, but if she could do anything to get my drysuit back to me ASAP and back in the water, I'd appreciate it. Within half an hour, I received another e-mail assuring me that she'd personally take care of making sure the repairs were done quickly and let me know as soon as the suit was shipped.

Today I recieved a third e-mail from Ms. Long, telling me that repairs were underway and I could expect my drysuit to be shipped back to me from San Diego Friday, and back in my hands by Tuesday.

I've got to say that I'm very, very, VERY impressed with Ms. Long and DUI's customer service in general at this point. She's been very straightforward and pleasant, and most of all, concerned that my first experience with DUI and my drysuit wasn't as good as it could have been. She's gone out of her way to offer to do anything she could to make it right - and to follow through on that. I guess I'm just not used to seeing companies who stand behind their products so steadfastly and presidents of companies so invested in making sure their customers are happy with their products. More's the pity that that attitude isn't more prevalent in this world...

So major kudos to Ms. Long, Jackie Willey (N. American Customer Service rep), Marcella (who's doing the repairs) and DUI in general. I'd say she's probably gotten a life-long customer out of the this (I'll know for certain after the first dive once I get it back :wink:). I'll update again then....
Yes, I’ve always been impressed with DUI’s customer service. I had an issue with some leaky zip seals a few months ago and DUI really worked to take care of the problem and ensure that my suit would be returned to me as quickly as possible.
Good news! Can't wait to dive it with you!!!

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