My experience was very different. When I checked in the attendant asked me if I had Li batteries in my checked bags. I told her yes, I thought that's how it had to be leaving Mexico. She told me that United's rule was that they had to be in carry on and that they knew this at the security scanner. I took the batteries out of my checked bag and put them into carry on, and I went though the scanner with no problems.Here's my experience from three weeks ago in Cozumel (April 2018). Flying to Cozumel from the states--all batteries in carry-on. On leaving from Cozumel as I was waiting in line to check in with United I was approached by security (I think anyway) with a placard listing what can and can't be in carry-ons and checked baggage. NO batteries in carry-ons. Must be in checked bags. Reached into my carry-on pulled out my two baggies of batteries and slipped them into a side pocket of my checked bag--no biggie. Went through security and was pulled aside after my bag went through the scanner and they started looking through my bag. I asked them what they were looking for and they said they thought they saw some tools. Indeed you did--I had two small open end wrenches I use to change hoses or regs if needed--they took them as they are deadly weapons I guess. Once I arrived in Houston and picked up my bags before my ongoing flight I pulled the batteries out of my checked bag and put them in my carry-on again and went my merry way.