UNO results are in!!

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Vampire Dork
Reaction score
Indianapolis, IN
We did it!!! We had the Underwater UNO Challenge!!

Trucker Girl and I met at Blue Springs this morning. She's very nice and funny! We got in 3 dives, 2 Underwater UNO Challenges, and one Connect Four game! I won both UNO games and Trucker Girl won the Connect Four game. Here's the details:

The first dive was kinda odd... we were just trying to look around find stuff and actually found nothing but a deep dark hole with, what seemed like, nothing above, below, or anywhere around... we thumbed that dive relatively quickly, as it was kinda spooky, waiting on the quarry monster to come visit us!

The 2nd dive, we decended onto the armored car. The top of it sits in 28 feet of water. The thermocline was at 20 feet, and the temp below the thermocline was ~70 degrees. This is where we played the first game of UNO! It was much easier than expected. There were no problems holding any of the cards, and the way Trucker Girl had them arranged, with a metal "ring" or "clip" of sorts, worked out quite well. There were no problems telling what any of the colors were. The only color that looked a little "off" was red... it kinda took on a brownish tint. We did see 2 other divers that swam by when we were getting everything ready to play. They new our plans... and I think they were just checking to see if we were serious!! LOL

The 3rd dive, we decended to a wood slat platform in 26 feet of water. This was a bit more challenging. I'm not sure if there is a spring right under the platform, or what, but we had a small "current" of sorts that kept us drifting upward and toward 1 side of the platform. And... the platform was a bit, ok, alot slimy! We played one game of Connect Four and Trucker Girl won really fast! She's really good at Connect Four! Then, we played UNO again. This game lasted a loooong time! The funny thing was that we were having issues with the wierd "current" and upward drift... we kept moving with it on the platform, then would have to circle around it and back to the middle. It was quite challenging and subsequently we were laughing most the time! The thermocline in this part of the quarry was at about 22-23 feet... so as we got cold, we would move to a verticle position when it wasn't our turn... this way, our body was in the warm water, and when it was our turn, we would decend back to a horizontal position. Funny thing... this made the current issue more challenging, cause we were constantly up then down, up then down! Of course... Trucker Girl really liked to hover a few feet over top of me... I think she was looking at my cards! Beware if you play underwater UNO with her!! She cheats! Hahaha! LOL Oh... and we came up with a few new hand signs too...most of which we had to clarify by writing on a slate or magnadoodle. Then, of course, laughter would follow. Are you catching the trend... lots of laughing going on! In the end, I won this game too! On the way back to the surface, we cruised by the coffin... the one thing that neither of us wanted to find! And, there was a skull in it too... I'm sure it was fake, but it looked pretty real!

All said and done, we had a great time! It was incredibly fun... and it's hard to convey just how much fun it was. We really seemed to "click" as friends too, as this was the first time that we had met (though we've sent each other a thousand emails, and talked on the phone a few times). Meeting was just a technicality. LOL TG and I decided that this was much more fun that cruising around the quarry today. It really broke the monotony of a "quarry dive". It was a BLAST!
I would like to add that OBVIOUSLY Connect Four is more challenging and requires much more strategy than Uno...

But that's only because I won the Connect Four game after 6 chips!

Oh, I have your Connect Four game BTW. I'm going to hold it ransom. I haven't figured out what for yet. I think you glued, what?, $.36 in pennies to the chips. That's a lot of dough! I guess I have to come back on Wednesday!
Hahaha... I was just thinking... since I forgot the Connect Four game, then you'll just have to go diving again next week. LOL
Sounds like you two had a good time, I am SOOOO jealous! Congratulations on your success with the game modifications! Now I'm going to HAVE to dive with you guys!
Ber :lilbunny:

I'd love to have you dive with us!! I just can't even express how much fun we had... and all that laughing was just... well, fun! I had water leaking into my mask from the laughing, water coming in around my mouth, from laughing, so had to clear mask, blow thru the reg to get the water out...etc, etc while still holding the cards, trying to stay in the same dang place (that wierd current thing), write on my magnadoodle, take pictures, and play UNO!! I'll definitely do it again! I'm hoping that TG can come diving with my hubby and I next week. Is that when you're gonna be on vacation? If you're around, please join us!

By the way... how do I post pictures on SB in the thread? The camera is at Walgreens, being developed as I type! I'll post pics tonight though... I have to work at 11, then the kids have "meet the teacher" night at school... same as open house.
Pictures...please say that someone got pictures of this? And I'm definitely hoping to give this a shot at the GLWC M and G...this sounds like fun... :)
OF COURSE WE GOT PICS!! Actually they're being devoloped right now. I'm hoping they turn out good... I know I messed up a couple of the pics with bubbles! LOL Hey, it was the first time playing underwater UNO, and the first time I ever took a camera down with me. I'll be posting some tonight. I'm getting ready to go pick them up, but I have to work, then the kids have open house at school. So it will definitely be tonight before I get to post any.

I'd love to have you dive with us!! I just can't even express how much fun we had... and all that laughing was just... well, fun! I had water leaking into my mask from the laughing, water coming in around my mouth, from laughing, so had to clear mask, blow thru the reg to get the water out...etc, etc while still holding the cards, trying to stay in the same dang place (that wierd current thing), write on my magnadoodle, take pictures, and play UNO!! I'll definitely do it again! I'm hoping that TG can come diving with my hubby and I next week. Is that when you're gonna be on vacation? If you're around, please join us!

I'll be on vacation for the next two weeks actually :D Not sure if I'll get a chance to dive before M&G weekend once I get back.

By the way... how do I post pictures on SB in the thread? The camera is at Walgreens, being developed as I type! I'll post pics tonight though... I have to work at 11, then the kids have "meet the teacher" night at school... same as open house.
The photo gallery isn't back up yet so you would have to post them on a photo hosting site then use the link to get it here.
Ber :lilbunny:

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