Underwater white balance Sony A6700

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I’m seeking advice because I’m kind of disappointed. I bought a Sony A6700 for trying to get better videos underwater. I’ve read that is very important to set the white balance every few meters to get correct colors. Today I’ve done the first two dives with it, and I don’t know if I’m doing something wrong or it’s the camera that can’t “white balance” underwater correctly

I’ve used this feature on land and it worked flawlessly, but underwater I can’t get the camera to set the correct Kelvin. I’ve tried to use the feature with a red filter, without it, white the white balance card illuminated and not. But it doesn’t matter what or how I use, that it always goes to 9900K and the image is red. Am I doing something wrong o it doesn’t works underwater? Please give me any clue course I’m very disappointed. The shoots I took today are worse than the ones I made with the iPhone and a case. The underwater white balance I think it doesn’t works very well neither

Thank you.

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