Underwater Signaling Devices?

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You CAN talk into a reg. Its even intelligable with a bit of practice on the recipient's part. The biggest problem with it is that the sounds that rely on your tongue and teeth being used together don't work well.

For "heh idiot!" kind of communications I like the DiveAlert, which I actually carry for SURFACE communication (as in "heh boat operator, I'm over HERE!") They work underwater, despite the claims to the contrary of the manufacturer, and are REAL distinctive. Two or three short blasts are unmistakeable for anything else.
For "heh idiot!" kind of communications I like the DiveAlert, which I actually carry for SURFACE communication (as in "heh boat operator, I'm over HERE!") They work underwater, despite the claims to the contrary of the manufacturer, and are REAL distinctive. Two or three short blasts are unmistakeable for anything else.
The earliest versions of DiveAlert would be destroyed if you operated them underwater. Several years ago Ideations modified the design to allow underwater use. Virtually all DiveAlerts around nowdays have the 8 little spokes on the backside of the plastic housing that limit the motion of the diaphram.

The audible range of the DiveAlert is pretty limited underwater --- about the same as I get from a good "hoot-hoot" into the reg. In most cases, limited range is good. I hate hearing out-of-sight divers banging away on their tanks all dive long.
While it's not my normal method of underwater communcation, an interesting method is to take a small plastic bag, blow some air into it, then shout or talk into the air pocket. Your voice will be surprisingly clear.

An AquaVox sort of works.
Even in 5 mm gloves, punching an open hand can get a buddy's attention from as far as 10ft
There is always the option of an UW comm system like OTS' Buddy Phone. :D
Banging your knife on your cylinder. I know...I know...you GQ types are quivering from the paint chipping but I can tell ya its the best for those look out situations. Otherwise its The Silent Seas for me.
Hello Everybody;
This is my first post message in Scubaboard. Well I hope I am duing this right. I have a question. I am very interested to purchase a under water signaling device. There are two I am looking at, the MINI-HAMMERHEAD and the AQUATEC SCUB ALERT. I wonder if you guys will give me some input about this two devices. Wish one do you thing I should buy? Thanks....
I am very interested to purchase a under water signaling device. .. I am looking at, the MINI-HAMMERHEAD and the AQUATEC SCUB ALERT.
The hammerhead only works underwater. The Scub quacks underwater, and also makes a fairly loud noise above the water. I believe the older models (sub-alerts or sub-ducks) are not as effective on the surface as the sCub alerts.

And for the record and somewhat in reply to the original post, I agree that good buddy communication is vital, but I do feel a noisemaker is nice insurance.
By the way, the butt of the knife on the tank works pretty well, but didn't carry as far as my buddy's sub alert (I could hear him, he couldn't hear me when we tested the methods).

Hello Everybody;
I am Trying this again. I hope I am doing it right... This is my 2nd time :11: posting a message in Scubaboard. Well I hope I am duing this right. I have a question. I am very interested to purchase a under water signaling device. There are two I am looking at, the MINI-HAMMERHEAD and the AQUATEC SCUB ALERT :06: . I wonder if you guys will give me some input about this two devices. Wish one do you thing I should buy? Thank You for your time....

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