Underwater Panorama

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If you use an Olympus Camera and Olympus media card (digital) you can do panorama with that too.

Take the photos, then in Camedia it will join them.

There are many panoramic applications out there, for a review of their various strenghs & weeknesses look at:
The version of Panorama Tools (NOT the ADG Panorama Tools) reviewed at this site is an old 2.1 vresion, the current version is V2.6.

I use Panorama Tools (PanoTools)
for VERY Detailed tutorials:

PanoTools are very powerful & when I originally DLL'd (it's free) I was intenting it for general photography:
converting fisheye=>rectilinear format,
straightening barrel/pincushion distortions,
correcting light falloff of wideangle lenses,
correcting some of the chromatic abherations of wideangle lenses.
For examples of usage:

While I've produced images writing scripts for this application & photoshop plugin, it's much easier to buy one of the modestly priced graphically driven front ends:
PTGui (www.ptgui.com),
PTAssembler (www.tawbaware.com),
PTMac (www.kekus.com).
PTOpenGui (www.nic.fi/~juhe/ptbcbgui/)

I use a monopod, joining the images together would be easier if I used a tripod (less positonal errors) but my subjects would swim off.

The great strengh of PanoTools is that it warps the images for best fit but each exposure is a separate layer of a photoshop file so I can manually mask to determine the best join, or if one subject
moves between shots I can use only the most photogenic view in the final image.

360' every direction is an awesomely large area to cover with any lens.


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