A question to the scuba tek gods,
I'm a student at the Art Institute of Pittsburgh, I am designing a product for scuba divers and diving companies that can seriously reduce some of the risks of diving. The product is lacking proof that a data transfer system exists that can transmit through water. Without the data transfer system that works underwater I can't prove that my idea can work. I have been doing research online looking for any product online that involves any kind of data tranfer underwater but can find nothing that invoves what i'm trying to do. If anyone knows of a product, or can point me in anykind of a direction to a similar product I would be greatly appreciative. Unfortunatly, I am on a tight deadline my design is due for completition on September 22, 2002.
Respectfully Requesting,
M. J.
I'm a student at the Art Institute of Pittsburgh, I am designing a product for scuba divers and diving companies that can seriously reduce some of the risks of diving. The product is lacking proof that a data transfer system exists that can transmit through water. Without the data transfer system that works underwater I can't prove that my idea can work. I have been doing research online looking for any product online that involves any kind of data tranfer underwater but can find nothing that invoves what i'm trying to do. If anyone knows of a product, or can point me in anykind of a direction to a similar product I would be greatly appreciative. Unfortunatly, I am on a tight deadline my design is due for completition on September 22, 2002.
Respectfully Requesting,
M. J.