Undersea Hunter submarine...1500 feet?

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Maybe you should wait till your next trip to Roatán - there's a sub guy there who'll take you down to 1500' for $800 for 2 people and to 2000' for $1000 for 2 people:


I just received an email from someone who's gone below 1500 in the Cayman Trench with him and it was an incredible experience.
We are going in August and I am really considering the 700fsw dive but another $1000, ouch!

not "ouch" but "OUCH!!!!"

But it shoud be the highlight of the trip...it's got to be fanntastic
Been down with him a couple of times..... Great experience

Karl is also a very bright guy and will share some great information about both marine life and the geoligy of the island.

This is not a quick trip... depending on the type of dive you want you will be down for at least 2 hours and if you go really deep or on a 6 gill shark dive you will be down for quite a while......
Some people on my SeaHunter trip last month did it - and they all came back raving. Not so much for what you see - but for the idea and thrill of it.

I didn't go, and they had a malfunction anyway so I couldn't have; but the people who had the best time are the ones who went to 300m. Even the sub guys said that the 400m trip wasn't worth the extra money, 300m was the depth to do.

I say, if you can possibly afford it, try it! They show you lots of video commercials about it on the boat though, so you can make your mind up then about whether or not to do it after seeing what it's like.

I just happened to find this older thread and thought I'd add my 2 cents for whatever its worth...I can say going down to 2000 feet in the IDABEL submarine was one of the coolest things I've done so far. I just returned from my week stay in Roatan on March 24, '07. Karl Stanley is a super cool guy and I would highly suggest for anyone interested to shell out the dough and just do it. You won't regret it!

You can check out some photos of my trip on my photo site at http://www.pbase.com/oudivegirl/image/76491531

I just happened to find this older thread and thought I'd add my 2 cents for whatever its worth...I can say going down to 2000 feet in the IDABEL submarine was one of the coolest things I've done so far. I just returned from my week stay in Roatan on March 24, '07. Karl Stanley is a super cool guy and I would highly suggest for anyone interested to shell out the dough and just do it. You won't regret it!

You can check out some photos of my trip on my photo site at http://www.pbase.com/oudivegirl/image/76491531

Awesome pictures fellow Okie!

I'd love to do a trip like that! I would easily spend the cash to go 2K feet down
I'm going to Roatan Sept 15th and will be diving with Karl on the 17th. I can't wait. I still have some reservations about going, but I"m doing it anyway with my mom.


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