He is the high preistest of the religion he spreads. he is like the missionaries of the 17 & 18 hundreds going off and preaching the one true god to those who believe in so many false god. it is for their own good you know.
he is willing to accept this hardship of constant battering and disbalief as he is truely commited to saving everybody he comes into contact with. it is a thankless mission, one of mercy, and hope.
without such a missionary in our life how would our society survive, both camps now having a focus of either support or disbelief. and of course so many fluctuating in the middle. without this focus we would be left chatting on
www.blinddate.com or something like that. he may even be the reason that this baord has survived when others have failed.
Maybe scubabaord should be paying him
he brings us together, disbaleivers and believers alike, knowing that by doing so even the disbalievers hear his sermans and that some will convert.
do you know if you
spell P - U - G sideways it looks like this G - U - E
PUG I admire you tonacity your commitment, your fairness, politlness
What you need now is a grand wizards hat and robe.
signed one of those who you have dragged from the
non-believers side to the middle ground. like a 10 year old being dragged off to chuch on a beautifull sunday morning and all your friends are headed off to the beach