Unable to PM (or whatever it's called now)

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How can this get fixed: an SB member can't PM me and I can't PM her.
I can PM others though.

This has been since the change to the current Xenforo from the old SB.

Is there a setting she or I need to change?
I need to know the user name of the person who can't get the message
Mrs B
I don't see any user by that name. Can you provide a link to their profile?
Oh I see... It's Mrs. B not Mrs B (no period) Thanks Steve.
Although I think the detault is everybody - try clicking the Privacy tab in your Profile and scroll down to People Who May
and check Initiate Conversations With You - Members Only if it isn't already.

If it is, post here again.

Here's the direct link: http://www.scubaboard.com/community/account/privacy

@HowardE: http://www.scubaboard.com/community/members/mrs-b.471337/
Ok I have done that .... Check initiate conversations with members, then clicked safe changes....three times.
Each time it says the changes have been saved.
Each time I open a new window to check the privacy settings they are right back at being unchecked again.

So not able to do this step.
Press save and it seems like it has, yet I check the setting again and the box is mysteriously unchecked.
That might be a phone issue which I can't help with since I don't browse that way. Check with Howarde - maybe you share the same phone OS?

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