Unable to get Heat Hood with zipper

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Scuba Instructor
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Port St. Lucie
# of dives
I'm a Fish!
My dive shop has been unable to get a zipper Heat hood since November. Is White's still in the business of making hoods?

I have been waiting for about a month for mine. Finally had to settle for an xl. Should be here any day. Hope it's not too big, as i am in between sizes....
Guess I'm going to have to buy a different brand. Just a note to Whites...Five months is not back ordered, it's getting out of the business by default. And (IMO) it leaves your dealers hanging in the wind too.
I agree. It makes me worry about future support/repairs on my brand new fusion.....
Guess I'm going to have to buy a different brand. Just a note to Whites...Five months is not back ordered, it's getting out of the business by default. And (IMO) it leaves your dealers hanging in the wind too.


The day after I posted the above (in a pissy mood) I went to get a hood and my LDS had finally got some Whites hoods in. So I'm the proud owner of a new Heat hood...


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