Ultimate dive boats

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Fly N Dive once bubbled...
the only problem with the 2nd on is how deep the water has to be, like 24 feet, so getting near any shallow reef would be dangerous. Of course it does have a steam catapult....
one heck of entry
try doing a GIANT stride you'd fall for like 10 seconds!!!!!!:)

:D the catapult could get you to those reefs that are a ways away from the boat..........Shot......Shot out...........SPLASH!!!!
Groundhog246 once bubbled...
Are you looking for the ultimate dive boats? Maybe a small vessel for a few close friends? On that will get you out to the wreck and back in time for dinner? Maybe this is the boat for you. Fast dive boat

Or perhaps you have a much larger circle of friends and relatives. Need room for lots of tech gear and that mega air compressor? Want to bring along the whole dive club? The ultimate charter boat. With room for your wealthier clints to arrive via plane. Try this one on for size. BIG dive boat

Hurry, at these prices the deals won't last long.

This is the boat I usually dive off in the North Sea http://www.fogoisle.nl/

It's about a 3-4 meter drop off the dive-deck to the water. The first time you stand there and look over the side you think "you stupid ****....." Then you jump. The first time it ripped the fins right off my feet and I had to grab the drift-line to stop myself from getting swept away on the surface-current while my fins were flopping around somewhere up by my knees......

double125's once bubbled...
Could you imagine the re-entry on the second ship. Especially with tech gear.Ouch!

If they don't have an elevator, then at least they have a crane.
We just got a new jet boat with a nice dive platform on our dive team
My Family just bought a 21 Foot Cape Horn Center Console from Florida...2003:D its a very nice boat: :out:

Scuba Steve, are you going to fish off it or dive, an outboard driven boat has some boarding difficulties with the motor well. I own a Sea Ray thats a bit bigger and it can be a chore to dive off.
My neighbor in the marina had a boat similar to yours and it was the killer fishing boat.
wstein once bubbled...

:D the catapult could get you to those reefs that are a ways away from the boat..........Shot......Shot out...........SPLASH!!!!

Would have to be careful not to skip.. you'd over shoot the intended reef and end up on a different one.

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