UK Inquest into to diver deaths, newibes-too much too soon??

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Vegemite Mod
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Sydney, Australia
# of dives
I just don't log dives
i dont think this has been posted already,

"Short diving courses are "madness", an expert has said as inquests were held into diver deaths in the South West.
Dr Philip Bryson, head of the Diving Diseases Research Centre, gave evidence on Tuesday at Plymouth Coroner's Court.

Verdicts of accidental death were given on divers Mark Jackson, of Southwell, Albert Tythecott, of Barnstaple, and Christopher Sidgwick, of Chelmsford."
FQAS British style in the future?

In essence, an additional requirement by the government of the province of Quebec before one can dive in the province. This was in response to recommendations from a coroner's inquest. It is IMO a form of a licence to dive and must be renewed every three years for most of us who chose to do so.
Hmm sounds like typical media fuelled hyperbole to me.

I've never seen any evidence presented to show a correlation between course length and diver accident or fatality rate. Until they do such statements are questionable opinions at best.

Overall the % fatality rate for rec divers continues to decline according to the DAN annual report. There seems to be a disconnect there somewhere.
The article was a bit vague. (big surprise)

One thing we all have to remember is that we are only certified to dive in the environment in which we were taught. I have not dove in these areas but I am sure diving in Greece is significantly different from diving in the UK.

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