U/W Video & White Balance

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Hope one of you out there can help me out...

I'm using a Sony PC110 housed in a L&M Mako and am struggling to get balanced images in shallow (or deeper clear) water without the color correction filter. Anytime white (or non-painted) cyclinders or bubbles are in view, the white balance goes crazy and anything white takes on an unreal silver glow with no defined edges. The white balance setting is on automatic - should I be using another setting? Any other suggestions? Thanks in advance.

I use a Sony TRV-17 and don't have that problem with the white balance. You show try setting it to manual (IF your housing allows setting the WB) and then use a dive slate or other white object to WB at each depth you shoot.

Dr. Bill
I have the same setup....I assume the L&M Mako. According to L&M, there is nothing we can do. The PC-110 doesn't have a manual white balance and even if it did, changing back and forth with the filter would cause havoc.

At times the whites are so overexposed its horrible. I usually have to keep the filter on just to keep the exposure down...Once I am in water deep enough to need the filter, I do quite fine.

If you find out a different answer, please let me know!!!!!
deepadventures once bubbled...
Not quite the answer that I wanted to hear! Thanks.


You think as much $ as we have plunked down, we could at least do some basic white balancing stuff.

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