Type II DCS Hit

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Hi Doc,

I took a deserved Type II DCS hit in the spinal cord. My symptoms set in about 6 hours after the dive and included a strange sensation when voiding, tingling in the right leg, and hyperesthesia in both legs. I began a Table 6 recompression session with 2 extensions about 36 hours after the dive (~30 hours after symptoms). In the days following the Table 6, I did one table 5 and two other shorter sessions to 30 ft (~1.5 hr each). Currently, I get a tingly sensation and cloudy feeling in my head from time to time and a "heavy" feeling in the right leg. Only one seems to occur at a time, with the cloudy feeling in the head usually occurring around sleeping. I'm currently receiving medical advice, but would like to hear your thoughts. Should I keep up with the HBOT or have I pretty much gotten full benefit from the 4 treatments? Or is it too late (today is exactly 1 week from the accident)? I haven't noticed many significant changes in symptoms over the last 2 dives, although they were shorter and shallower. Lastly, are these residual symptoms likely to fade with time? Do you have any more general advice?

A Bent Diver
I'm not a Dr., (and have never played one on TV :) ) , but I am a member of the "DCStype 2 club"- I took a hit in 2004.
I can't speak about whether more HBOT would help-my Drs. disagreed with each other regarding the benefits more than a week after the hit.
My longest lasting symptoms-"pins and needles" (paresthesia??) in the feet, ankles and lower legs, and fatigue, lasted 6+ months after the hit.
If I read your post correctly, you are still diving- a week after the hit?? While still having symptoms?? That jumped out at me as a big No-No My Drs. would have crucified me !
Have you contacted DAN??
Good Luck in your recovery.(and maybe stay dry for a while??)
haha, no my doc calls the HBOT sessions "dives", so I meant the last two HBOT treatments. No, I haven't contacted DAN, I am not a member. Will it do me any good at this juncture? I already have a dive doctor now. Thanks for the response, Mike. Are you back to normal now?
That's a relief!
I guess that, from a physics point of view, they are dives!!
As I think back, Chamber crew in Grand Cayman, where I had my "adventure", used the same terminology, and referred to the person operating the chamber as "driving the chamber".

As far as I know, DAN will give advice, suggestions, referrals even if you are not a member.

I am basically back to normal now. I went back to diving about a 20 months after the hit. I was cleared to dive after 10 months, but jobs, schedules, etc. got in the way. My hit was "unexpected" based on the dive itself, but I do take things lot easier now.

Best wishes for a quick and complete recovery.

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