Twin Lakes This Weekend?

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Scuba Instructor
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Houston, Texas, Bay Islands, Honduras
# of dives
I'm a Fish!
Any Swampers gonna be at Twin Lakes this weekend? 27 & 28th?

hi ya cuda...I`m gonna try and b eout there about mid-day give the student time to move out you know.Look me can`t miss my old white dodge truck...back window is full of dive stickers.
Any Swampers gonna be at Twin Lakes this weekend? 27 & 28th?

I'd love to go, if anyone knows how to clear out the lungs from bronchitis is 4 days.
We'll be there Sunday. A guy Beast works with might go along. If this warm weather holds, I just might get in!
Hi Dee,
I've been wondering when it will be warm enough to check out Twin Lakes. If you go this weekend, what is the thickness of the wetsuit that you will wear? Thanks,

If Dee wears a suit it will be the first time I've seen her in one. You gonna surprise us, Dee? As for me, I'll either wear a 3mm with a 3mm shortie or a 5mm full with hood. Probably the 5mm. I guess Beast will wear his dry???

Cuda's right....I hate those steenkin' wet suits! I'm guestimating the water will be 68-70º and that I can do in my swimsuit and least once!

Yep....that ol' softie will be in his dry suit.
Beast and I did two 30 minute dives today. Water Temp around 68-70 above thermocline at 15'. Did not venture below the thermocline. I had on a 3 mil full with a 5 mil farmer john top. Was just fine. Not much visibility. Did not see another soul diving. Left about 11 AM.

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