Twin Lakes Questions

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Aggie Diver

Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
Plano, TX
# of dives
200 - 499
Alright, me and some buds are thinking about taking a break from our serious DM training and doing a dive for the hell of it.

Looks like we're going to try to make TL in the next week or two, depending on everyone's schedules and what not, probably gonna turn into a spontaneous trip.

Anyway, had a few questions - how's the vis right now? Is a light needed deep?

Water Temps?

Also, I heard that you can get a copy of the map from the park owner, is that true?


As always, the vis depends on how many OW classes are in process. The vis was approximately 15-20 ft last weekend. The Temp was 87F at the surface with a thermocline at 18-20 ft.
Larry's right, the student load has alot to do with the viz. So does the run-off from the rain. But even when the viz is down around the shoreline, it's still 15+ft on the roadbed across the middle.

If you want to go deeper than 30ft or so, you'll need a bright light. It gets very dark down there!
Howabout taking a camera? Worth it?

Also, from the website, they suggest making a reservation, how much notice do you need to give?

Also, bringing cert. cards, is that absolutely required? We're all pretty responsible but I know someone will forget theirs.

Look at some of the pics on Dee's photo album of TL.....lots of fish and grass/submerged trees to photo....

No reservations needed on the weekends....weekdays you might have problems getting someone to do a quick fill. They won't allow night dives w/o an instructor or dm.....unless you are a "regular".

Certs are required and you will have to fill out a release....along with 12 bucks for a day of diving.....

hope to see you there sometime!

I enjoy taking my camera. In the macro shots, you can't tell if the vis was bad ot not! As Tony mentioned, check out my Twin Lakes Underwater album and see for yourself. Of course, one reason we take our camera to the lake is because it's all we've got at the moment! :D

Don't put too much store in the website, almost all the information is wrong. The guy that put up the website is no longer involved with Twin Lakes and so hasn't changed information as things has changed at the lake. For instance, they no longer take vouchers issued on the website.

You'll definately be required to show your C-Cards, why wouldn't you? They don't know you and just to say your s responsible person is no proof you have ever been certified. If someone in your group forgets their card that's their problem, not the folks at the lake!
Thanks Dee.

The C-card thing I guess surprised me a little bit. In our classes I assist with we always talk about carrying your card with you on dive trips, but in my real world experience I have only ever been asked to show it once - on Blackbeard's.

No place else has ever asked for it, it does indicate to me that the guys running TL know what they're doing and are concerned about diver safety, which is good.


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