I am still waiting (somewhat less patiently as time passes without response) for updates to PClogbook software so that it will accurately save the sea/fresh data from my computer. I like the Sapience but am disappointed at apparent lack of effort to correct a known bug in the software which had to be pointed out by customer rather than being found in product testing before release. I guess I will have to add a caveat to any future recommendations to buy TUSA relating to lack of service/support of the software. There are also other bugs in software(planning mode only works in metric) but inaccurately recording dive data is a real disappointment, and the lack of any real response in last six months is going to put TUSA on my 'last to consider' list for future purchases. I am even considering returning my Sapience for refund and getting a different computer, if I can find another with the vibrating alarm feature and large display that I enjoy in my Sapience should the logbook problems not be corrected by year end. If you are selling a $12 usb cable and $20 download cradle for over $100 dollars you should be providing accurate and functional software with the product.
Still waiting on a response...
Still waiting on a response...