Question Turneffe Island with young divers?

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Reaction score
Palo Alto, cA
# of dives
200 - 499
Hello, I'd like to do a family dive trip to Turneffe Island. My youngest is 11 and therefore has a 40 foot max depth limit. Has anyone been there and can weigh in on whether or not she'd be able to do most of the dives there? I'm also checking with the divemasters there but wanted to get a "customer" viewpoint as well. We'd be going in April and she'll have 40+ dives so it's really just the depth restriction that we are worried about. Thank you!
Hello, I'd like to do a family dive trip to Turneffe Island. My youngest is 11 and therefore has a 40 foot max depth limit. Has anyone been there and can weigh in on whether or not she'd be able to do most of the dives there? I'm also checking with the divemasters there but wanted to get a "customer" viewpoint as well. We'd be going in April and she'll have 40+ dives so it's really just the depth restriction that we are worried about. Thank you!
I've been there several times (TIR and Blackbeard Caye). Most of the dives, if not all, went to 60-70 feet. Contact them, you might be able to get a second DM for your daughter.

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