TSDT official badge or patch?

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Do we have one of those? And if so, where can I get some? I vaguely recall the topic being discussed, but don't recall the answer.

badge/patch the term can be used interchangeably.

but yes i was the one that started that and the group could have them done and i have the connection for that.

to have a patch done there would need to be orders for around a 100 to make it worth it $$$ wise.

the other questions would be how big would they be(3,4 or 6 inch wide), etc

Check it out....TSDT Store

We've got shirts, hats, mugs, teddy bears, boxer clocks, clocks, friszbees, mousepads, stickers, etc but no patches! TwoBitTxn is the one who set it up. Maybe he can find out if they offer patches and what size.
I ordered up 5 of the oval stickers last week to have handy with me while I'm down in Coz next month. I'm gonna leave my mark like the crew from Grapevine Scuba... :mean:

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