Sorry, I don't have a picture (this fish is now on my "must get" photo list).
I was diving in Okinawa today (late morning) and saw two fish I'd never seen before. i checked the Charumi Fish Encyclopedia but don't see it anywhere.
These fish were about 20ft deep on a reef at about off the west coast of Okinawa (Chibishi Islands, Okinawa, East China Sea).
They were small swam together, and both looked the same. about 3-4" long, 3/4-1" tall, and shaped like a tiny oarfish (less ribbony though). They were greenish gray from the head until the pectoral fin (about 1/4 body-length back from the head). At that point, it faded to a metallic red for the rest of its body. On top of its head, it had a relatively long yellow hook shaped fin like an oarfish, but it was a single ribbon-like fin (about 3/4" long) instead of an array.
Anyone have any idea what this fish was?
I was diving in Okinawa today (late morning) and saw two fish I'd never seen before. i checked the Charumi Fish Encyclopedia but don't see it anywhere.
These fish were about 20ft deep on a reef at about off the west coast of Okinawa (Chibishi Islands, Okinawa, East China Sea).
They were small swam together, and both looked the same. about 3-4" long, 3/4-1" tall, and shaped like a tiny oarfish (less ribbony though). They were greenish gray from the head until the pectoral fin (about 1/4 body-length back from the head). At that point, it faded to a metallic red for the rest of its body. On top of its head, it had a relatively long yellow hook shaped fin like an oarfish, but it was a single ribbon-like fin (about 3/4" long) instead of an array.
Anyone have any idea what this fish was?