The tiger shark issue brings up a question I've had; seems like the Socorros, Cocos Island, Malpelo and the Galapagos have considerable overlap in what you may see there (though some varies by season). - mantas, hammerheads and so forth.
It's my understanding from others' reports Tiger sharks are mainly associated with Cocos Island, and it's my understanding that's more in recent years (coinciding with a drop in sea turtle numbers there...).
Anyone care to comment as to what other big animals one would see mainly at one of these destinations, or perhaps at two or three but probably not at another?
I say big to keep it simple, and the Galapagos, depending on where you go, I'm told has the chance to see penguins and marine iguanas, so I'll lead with those as common knowledge.
Galápagos is more diverse in terms of big animal encounter than Cocos and Socorro. I haven’t been to Malpelo, so I just comment on what I have read about the place. I plan to go there in 2021.
Some of the unique sightings / underwater attractions in those eastern pacific region are as follows:
- Galapagos has also Sealions and Mola Mola, besides the marine iguanas & penguins.
- Socorro has more Giant Pacific Mantas.
- Cocos has some hammerhead cleaning stations where all you need to do is just sit on a rock and watch them come to be cleaned by barberfish. There is similar site in Darwin (Galápagos), but it is pale in comparison to what you see in Cocos.
- Malpelo has Ferox shark (small tooth sand tiger shark).