fMy main concern is usually the airplane ride down. I tend to take wither a multi-vitamin or Airborne for a few days prior to flying, and have some orange juice on the plane for some extra vitamin C.
Once in Cozumel, between doing beach/water/outdoors activities and the fact that most restaurants are actually still somewhat open to the outside air circulation, I'm not really that concerned with catching things there. We also bring Zyrtec and Flonase just in case.
Thanks for the info!I stay really aware of my sinuses year round for exactly this reason. At the first sign of congestion, I start using my NeilMed (basically a neti pot) to clean things out and keep them irrigated. I also make sure I'm taking decongestants when this happens (not while diving, just when feeling something coming) to make sure I don't give anything a chance to start growing up there. Have fun in Coz!!!