Traveling to Atlanta on business. Where to dive?

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Sherman Oaks, CA
Hey there, my southern brethren (and sistren). I'll be in Atlanta (Newnan, actually) 7/20 - 7/30 and I want to go diving the weekend of 7/24-25. Can anyone suggest some destinations for me? At this point I'm thinking I might drive down to the Florida panhandle but I'm open to suggestions.

Help? Thanks!
Panama City, Florida will be your best logistical choice. You'll be looking at about a 5 hour drive. There are numerous artificial reefs/wrecks to dive on. Dive depths range from around 35' to around 110'. Water temps at bottm will be in the low 70's on the deeper dives. A two tank dive will run from $65 to $80 depending upon which dive shop you choose. Depending upon your physiology you may elect to wear some sort of exposure protection. A 3mm shorty works just fine in those waters. Visibilities vary with the weather. Panama City Dive Center, HydroSpace are a couple of the major dive centers. HydroSpace is located right next to a large restaraunt/bar complex which lends itself to a nice "apres-dive" environment.

There is a quarry dive site over in Alabama that's about a 3 drive away. I've never dived it so I can offer no information.
Florida Springs are GREAT in the summer. 4 - 5 hours south. You can get up early in Newnan, drive south, dive all afternoon, spend the night, dive the next day and be back in Newnan by bedtime.

Post a trip and you'll have some of us SB divers join you. If you need some suggestions..... just ask.
Vortex Springs in Ponce De Leone, FL

Rock Divers - Quarry near Huntsville(Madison, AL)

St. Andrews Park Panama City, FL Jeddie Shore dives and a dive shop <-- probably better sites than that one...

Destin, FL has some nice Jeddies - do a search in the Conch Divers forum :) look for SeaYoda's posts for excellent advice and pics.

Ft. Pickens Jeddies at Ft Pickens, FL(Pensacola) - camping, jeddie shore dives, some beachable shipwrecks if you don't mind a bit of a swim and can find them - I can provide a little more info if you'd like.

Not to mention all the dive operators listed in Panama City Beach already. You have lots to choose from in Destin if you want to enlist a dive operator as well - I recommend ScubaTech in that area. Pensacola also has a plethera of dive operators, Dive Pros is great.
If you want salt water, Panama City (5ish hour drive)... Fresh Water, there are 2 quarrys within 2.5 hours in Alabama, and the springs of Florida are in the 5ish time frame also. I would peronally hit the springs, BUT I am a cave diver :)

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