Travel from Honduras to Belize

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I don't think I've seen any discussion of this on the Board, so here goes:

Our family is going to do some diving in Roatan, then we'd like to explore a bit of the interior of Honduras before heading to Belize (and some more diving !). Anyone familiar with how easy/difficult/possible it would be to go from Copan through southern Guatemala and into southern Belize by bus or other form of ground transport? Or is it enough of a hassle that heading back from Copan to San Pedro and flying from there makes more sense? The flights I'm seeing seem pricier than I would have thought.

Thanks for any comments from the many veterans that seem to frequent SB. I'm new to the board, and there have been so many great posts on all sorts of things for those of us trying to filter through all the hype as we're planning to dive in this part of the world.

Can't give you any detail, but I believe there's a boat service from somewhere in Honduras (!) to a town in Belize other than Punta Gorda (which would be the obvious guess, as it's the farthest south). The Belize terminal may be Placencia or Dangriga. Maybe someone else here knows, or I can try to find out. Hank - you around?

I should think trying to make the journey by road would be a major hassle, and not totally safe.
The flight from San Pedro to Belize takes about 30 minutes, if that. It stops there anyway (or use to) on it's way to the US so make it a part of your flight package. I did it years ago with no problem.
PS T.A.C.A. = Take A Chance Airlines

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