Ron Brandt:I just got back......felt like 1997 again.
Let me know when it's 1987 down there again. Unfortunately, we can't bring dear, departed Tom Hartdegan back (not that there aren't some people that don't really care so much about that). Oh the good old days. I love progress, but, Cozumel 'progressed' itself right out of a lot of divers books. People have to make money though, so its all good. I do, however, have great memories and stories to tell about a young man-diver-carouser (although I thought at the time that 27 was quite old and mature) diving and catting around with the "old" man...all those tequilla, marijuana, mushroom and {add other extra-curricular activities here} headaches...and that was just during the diving...hahaa...
I hear the 'boating up' in the morning is quite the mad scene right now...truth to that? I am heading down in March to catch up with Apple and see how things are going...East End Grand Cayman in a couple weeks...wooohoooo...
Really, those who use travel agents are doomed to be disappointed. Strike out on the internet and get it all yourself - you'll save yourself a bundle. You don't really think in the end you're not paying for whatever the travel agent is making do you? Also, you can ALWAYS find a better deal than they will give you because they are motivated by commissions, not your best interests...some agents are great, but most I really wouldn't give my business to...anyway, that's all just my opinion, and I am sure there are plenty of good agents out there that look out for their customers, but you have to know them, or be referred to them or find them here on Scubaboard!!!! {Did I avoid the cyber-lynching there? haha}