Travel Advice in PA

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Los Angeles
This isn't anything to do with diving, but I didn't know where else to post it.

I'm going to West Conshohocken, PA to interview for a job in two days. I'm debating whether to rent a car or to take a cab from the airport.

I was going to go for just the day, but now it looks like I'll be there for a day or so. Is Philly/West Conshohocken, PA someplace where I need a car or can I get by on just taxis?


Conshohocken is about 25 from the airport. It's not far, but public transport isn't all that convenient from the airport, IME. Perhaps some Philly natives can correct me if they disagree, but if I were you, I'd rent the car. You may be able to get a taxi easily, but it will probably cost you more than a car.
Rent a car at the airport. Public transportaion is simply too complicated (trains, planes and busses) for non natives!

The best way is to head South (to Delaware) on I-95 and about three miles later, turn on I-476 (AKA the Blue Route). Travel for about 18 miles and it will intersect with I-76. This is the area you need to be. Another mile later, there are hotels and places to eat near Plymouth Meeting off of Ridge Ave.

If you look at a map and say wow! I-76 is actually closer. Wrong. This is Philly and I-76 (Schulkill Expressway or "surekill") is heavily traveled and delays abound.

Be sure to give yourself plenty of time to make it back to the Airport. Traffic in the morning and evening can be really slow. The lines at US Air are slow too!
I was hoping to avoid the additional delay/cost of renting a car, but a car rental sounds like the route to go. Thanks for the advice!

All the major rental cars are on the airport grounds. Takes only a few minutes. But, baggage delivery is another story!
Outside of the baggage claim are signs for the rental pick up busses. That is if you are arriving on the major terminals and not the commuter terminal. You will have to hike back to terminal E if you are in the commuter terminal (I think).
Bill & Sue are right on:
1. Rent the car. Taxi probably just as expensive as rental when you add the delay time you will face in traffic on the Surekill (Schulkyll Expressway Rte 76) and Blue Rte 476. Doesn't matter what time of day. Friday nights in summer can take 2 hrs to get down the 20 or so miles of the Blue Route.
2. Don't rush down to baggage claim. Don't believe your bags will be on the carousel they tell you. I usually hit the facilities, grab a bite to eat, then mosey on down.
3. Public transportation in Philly & surrounds is too confusing & inconvenient even for the natives!

I think they have a shuttle service from commuter to E terminal, but I've never seen it. Good luck!

Jersey (at work in Plymouth Meeting)
Jersey (at work in Plymouth Meeting)
Plymouth Meeting! :11: And I thought *I* had a long commute to work! Wow.

I fly in and out of Phila all the time, probably twice a month, and have not had all that much trouble with the baggage thingy. Or maybe I am extra patient about it cause my fiancee used to do that for a living between piloting jobs.
Many thanks for the advice. A car rental was indeed the way to go. Beautiful county, terrible traffic.

Beautiful country? Well, okay, if you say so! :D

How'd the interview go?

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