scubadiver888:With over 2000 dives that is easy for you to say but a lot harder for us newbies.
First, keep in mind that I was also a newbie once. I remember that time quite well and my instructor (who is still teaching) still uses me as an example of the worst student he ever had. I struggled with all the issues with which you've had problems. Why is it hard to dive without adding air to your BC? The buoyancy compensator (BC) is designed for two uses. First, it allows you to be positively buoyant while waiting for a period of time on the surface. Second, it allows you to compensate for loss of buoyancy from wet suit compression as you descend. If you are properly weighted, you'll be about 6 lbs negative at the beginning of the dive (to make up for air you'll be using during the dive). Your lungs are large enough to easily compensate for 6 lbs. Assuming no wet suit, as you descend, your average buoyancy won't change (yes you will become more positive as you inhale and more negative as you exhale, but that is no different with or withour air in your BC). Since your buoyancy does not change as you descend, there is no need to add air to your BC. If you have to add air to your BC, you are over weighted. Drop some lead.