Training - how many (average) hours ?

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Question :

How many hours do you have for training (not to be certified) per month or year ?

just to keep your divers operationals and/or to maintain the knowledge

reason why I ask this : decision to limit the training hours by head office of homeland ministry in my country (48 hours per year ! incredible), to have more arguments to refuse this limitation

thank you for your answer
We do 8 hours a month. (96 hours a year)

But add in the time we spend on calls into that number and it grows exponentially.
We also train 1 day (8 hrs) per month. Use to be 2 days, but the other team we trained with on those days is defunct. 8hrs "training" isn't 8 total hrs of diving...
I use this: Diving is in a life-hazardous environment. You can die. You need to be comfortable in the water, with your equipment, and with emergency procedures that may SAVE YOYR LIFE! You need to be proficient in your skillset. 6 days a year isn't enough (personal opinion: 1 day a month isn't enough either).
How much does training cost? How much would a dead diver "cost"???
We do one 4 hour training a month, (so 48 hrs a year, just like you) and of course have a minimum required dives to recert every three years. The trainings are split up into a morning and afternoon training across our three shifts so that both dive stations on all three shifts can attend without interfering with our response too much.

That's the minimum though. if you are lucky enough to be stationed at a dive house you train a lot more, at a minimum a few hours every set (maybe not always actually diving for these, but sometimes if you are lucky). This probably brings it closer to the 96 hours or more.

We also use trainings to identify weaker divers to do individual trainings with. People who may need corrective trainings, or even just more confidence in the water.

many of the team, including me, agree that one training a month does not properly prepare a diver, or maintain a divers skill. unfortunately for us most of it comes down to the budget and personnel out of service for training. the more motivated ones find time to take classes, prepare and put on trainings, and train on our own.
We train 6 hours per month. Our SOG states that divers are required to attend a minimum of 6 drills per year plus the annual swim test, scuba review, and emergency procedures drill which are pool dives in January and February. So that totals around 48 hours per year.
At a minimum, we had 8 hours the third Saturday of each month. The Wednesday night meeting before had about an hour of some kind that corresponded to the weekend dive training. We also had to maintain an additional 24 hours per year in continuing education for LE as were sworn reserve deputies. So around 132 give or take not counting quarterly range quals and other stuff that popped up now and then.

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