My Wife and I are getting over a bad colds we caught last week when we were in Disneyland (germy-land) This morning I suggested we go to Monterey to see the liitle Great White. I knew the conditions were good by my God! It was lake out there!!!! I clould see that the vis was insane too but I couldn't dive!!!!! Torture! So how was it? Let's hear it. Especially the boat dives. If I was well I would have paid any price to go to Lobos Rocks down south. Where did you go?
Didn't do the boat dives, but did dive Saturday and Sunday.
Saturday we stayed at San Carlos. Did two dives to the Metridium Fields. Vis was surprisingly good. LOT of students over at the Breakwall, but not many out in the Fields. Found the cannery pipe and followed it out, but dropped too early so by the time we reached the outskirts of the field, Jim was low on air. We looked around, surfaced and did a rather long surface swim. Plenty of sea nettles.
Second dive, went farther out, dropped onto the cannery pipe, at the end, went to the LEFT (whoops) and spent the dive lost with increasing concentrations of sea nettles until there were enough to make us pretty nervous. Anyone see the numbers on those frigging things????? Thought we were going back, ended up going out farther (whoops again). Finally ended up doing a scary ascent through the nettles (I don't wear a hood, so that was another whoops) which were blanketing the water and ended up WAYYYY out. Took us forty five minutes of an unleisurely dive (plenty of nettles near the surface) to get back in.
Did a night dive at Breakwater. Excellent vis. Jim saw a wolf eel. Didn't get out far enough though and ended up staying in the 15 foot range because we were so tired from the above dive that we didn't want to swim out too far. Quite a few nettles there (so pretty, but argh!) , but NOTHING like the Metridium Fields.
Sunday was Lovers. Vis was really good. We found a half rusted out barrel and were hanging around there when we got a visit from two harbor seals. One was REALLY friendly and kept coming up to us. It even grabbed Jim's mask and tugged (didn't get it). A lot of life, the fish were pretty bold and good visibility except our second dive at Lovers, where the vis clouded up.
Oh, right before we left, we heard a meter cop talking to one of the dive shop guys about the dead baby blue whale at Del Monte that they'd just started the necropsy on so we checked that out. Poor thing. The dive shop guy said something about a probable prop strike but the paper mentioned something about possible rakes that looked like an Orca? It was fascinating but really sad. They had a big chunk of the baleen out. They're taking samples, stripping down the carcass and burying what they take off and are carting the rest out to see. Closest I've ever been to a big whale, but hardly ideal circumstances. Apparently the thing had been dead for quite a while though and the smell was far from pleasannt. Poor baby. I think they estimated the length at 39 feet? So probably wouldn't have been a good weekend to dive Del Monte!
Pretty much no surf or surge the whole time, little in the way of current. Ideal diving conditions. Sorry you missed it, but we missed seeing the young lady!!