Too Quiet

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Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
Myrtle Beach, S.C.
# of dives
1000 - 2499
Hey where is everyone? This site has been too quiet for way too long.

Humm...... Been working..... I know its a surprise ain't it. Been really quite. Hope there is good Viz tomorrow morn.
Humm...... Been working..... I know its a surprise ain't it. Been really quite. Hope there is good Viz tomorrow morn.

Her Erika you're stuck on 100 - what gives?

This board has been quiet, first couple new posts in almost a week. We need to figure out a way to keep the Beach Crabs going, and all get out and dive with each other again.
This board has been quiet, first couple new posts in almost a week. We need to figure out a way to keep the Beach Crabs going, and all get out and dive with each other again.

I for one totally agree. I was thinking of starting to post dives after this weekend's Wrinkles dives at Avalon, see if people would start showing up.
Her Erika you're stuck on 100 - what gives?

This board has been quiet, first couple new posts in almost a week. We need to figure out a way to keep the Beach Crabs going, and all get out and dive with each other again.

Sorta, Actually I'm at 101 for the year. Last weekend was a total bust with the weather. But getting wet tomorrow morn. :)

I for one totally agree. I was thinking of starting to post dives after this weekend's Wrinkles dives at Avalon, see if people would start showing up.

I have all next weekend free.... If any one wants to dive i'm gain :)
I might make the drive down to Malibu next weekend if a dive is posted. It's been awhile since my last Malibu dive.
I might make the drive down to Malibu next weekend if a dive is posted. It's been awhile since my last Malibu dive.

Make a drive to Malibu????? Can't remember the last time I've dove down their either. Got to admit though Not getting poked by urchins is kinda nice :)
Hi All,

It's nice to see people chatting it on here again. I'll be diving White Pt. on Sat. if it stays calm till then & at Malaga Cove on Sun. if anyone is interested.


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