Tonight's Sad Catch

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Reaction score
West Seattle
# of dives
500 - 999
Well, it seems that one of our I-beam friends is no more. I got a shot of him on one of his last days of life hangin’ on an I-Beam. I am sure that many of you have seen this big guy.

Well, on Sunday, heading down to say hey to Wendy, I saw this.

After wrestling off the stars it was clear that this is what took him.

On Saturday my dive buddy said he startled the big guy and he swam around him and he had a line and weight attached to him. He was able to cut the line close to the mouth but the big fish wasn’t about to let him reach into his mouth. It wouldn’t have mattered since the hook was clearly well on its way down.

The very next day I saw this. Dayum those stars don’t waste any time :voskl1:

Here he is back in April as we remember him.

Here’s to our long lost cabby. :angel_2:

DeepDog :cheers:
Bummer! But there is a whole mess of them in the incubator right now up at the pilings so all is not lost. :D
That might be true, but that poor Irish Lord we seen really needed more of a clean uP then this guy.
Yeah, I couldn't believe when I saw it. This poor guy needs a worm pill.

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