Titan First & Second Stage

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The Wanderer

Reaction score
Touristan - Orlando, FL
# of dives
200 - 499
I just bought a Titan reg for use as a backup and for shallow/sandy/beach diving, to save wear and tear on my best reg & computer. It was a spur of the moment thing as my LDS was practically giving them away.

My question is: the first stage is identical in both the Titan and the superior rated and higher priced Titan LX. The only difference between the two are in the second stage. Can a good tech easily add parts and/or modify my Titan first stage to breathe as well as the Titan LX?

Any Aqualung techs out there?

Sorry, it would take a very talented tech to make that conversion. The Titan is in the same class as the Cousteau and Calypso, meaning that it's a classic downstream valve and it uses the same overhaul kit. The Titan LX is of the same design as the Legend and is a balanced unit. The valve mechanism in the downstream valve is primarily on on the hose side of the second stage, while the balanced valve has a barrel that extends all of the way across the second stage. There are plenty of reasons why it wouldn't work without a fair amount of cutting, gluing, and luck.
Many people would say that the adjustable second stage is more of a liability than an advantage, this is certainly the case when servicing them. I got the standard Titan for that reason: the simplicity of the second stage and the time tested geometry and components of the first stage.

If its not broke..... dont fix it!

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