Tip of the Hat from Music City!

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Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
Nashville, TN
# of dives
1000 - 2499
Hello to all! Well, its time to shed my status as a professional lurker on the Board and introduce myself. I've been blowing bubbles since the age of 12 when I earned my NAUI Jr. Diver certification. Since then, I've managed to make my way up to the certification of YMCA Dive Master. I've learned ALOT about our sport and myself in the process but I am looking forward to learning even more.

I have been fortunate to be able to dive a few places in the Caribbean, Mexico, and Florida. Most of my diving has been in quarries around Nashville. I have several classes lined up in the near future that should increase my knowledge of our sport.

As I admitted, I have been lurking on the Board for about a year and a half know and have benefited from every post I've read. Definately looking forward to more!
Hey oem3105, welcome to SB and let me be the first to :lurk2:

And maybe Lil' Irish Temper will sing something from the Grand ol' Opera to welcome you the the board.

Ohhhh, This looks like a perfect place to try out one of my Willie Nelson songs !!!

Welcome to ScubaBoard !
What part of east Tennessee? I have family in Bristol and Johnson City.

I was just at Loch-Low Minn last Saturday!
Well, newer than some of these folks anyway. :icon28:

How can you read active posts for a year and not want to post? Wow.

Glad you're posting with us now.

:cowboy2: don

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