Time's are off??

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Rochester NY
I've already checked my time zone, yet SB is showing an hour slow.
"All times are GMT -4. The time now is 12:46 PM."

GMT -4 is currently 1:46.
Probably the DST settings with the time savings just changed.
Eastern Standard Time is currently 1:04 PM and is GMT -5.

Easter Daylight Time is currently 2:04 and is GMT -4.

"All times are GMT -4. The time now is 1:04 PM" is wrong, so I assume the server has the incorrect GMT.
I noticed this also when I got on this afternoon and it said I last visited at 6:30AM when I knew it was 7:30.
Times are definately wrong here - theyre an hour slow.

Board says "All times are GMT +1. The time now is 12:18 AM." when the real time GMT+1 is 01:18am.

In otherwords, its still on GMT (or thinks GMT is an hour slower than it actually is)
At ScubaBoard we believe that if we set the clock back you can get more dive time... :joke: It's all fixed now.

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