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North West(Seattle area)
I have lurk on this board for a bit, I stumble on to this site when researching scuba info during my OW course. I learn a lot of useful information from this site. I have found that to a newbie SCUBABOARD has the most information and most informative. Oh, the members seems friendly and are very helpful as will. I got my OW cert about two weeks ago hope to dive more.
welcome to the fun. Like your profile, assuming that you're talking about the 'ole binary code.

Welcome from ARIZONA the all beach no ocean state.

Welcome from north of the 49th and to the most.....hmmmm

ecentric? board on the web or maybe I should the most ........yes definetly the most insane board in existence. :froggy:

Help call a :doctor: we have all gone :bonk:

BTW check out the "women only" section.......everyone else does.

Butch :peace:
DG computer sciences which is learning to play with zeros and onces. Hmm, and learn to count to one too. Zero, one and that is it. :)

Thanks, FishKiller.

Butch! Hmmm, OK. You talk me into it if anyone asks.
one hundred


And another welcome from another Canadian, also another computer geek

Welcome from another northwest geek WantToBe... So where have you been diving so far?

Thanks everyone for the welcom.

scubakat - I have been diving at Alki, Edmonds and Key Stone. I need to find a buddy. To make a long story short. My brother and I sign up for the class but he drop out at the last minute. So, now I am with out a buddy :-(.

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