And I'lll take you up on the beers in Seattle, too!Let's face it, this forum is whacked. That is unfortunate. But, if there was one last effort to turn it into something productive, I'd happily be a part of that.

SB has been around at least for the past six years that I'm aware of, and it will no doubt enjoy a long and illustrious future.
But like any worthwhile effort, its going to require regular commitment to ensure that it is meeting its objectives and up to date with respect to changes in the field. This forum is no different.
This forum may very well be 'whacked' currently.
But if you (plural) are willing to be a part of turning it into something more productive, thats good enough for me.
First, recognize that over-moderation is a real problem.
Second, recognize that the power of the forum isn't in the moderators. We respond when someone calls, but like your friendly neighborhood cops we only show up after the shots are fired. If you don't have a handgun of your own, all you can do is run and hide.
Plus, some of you are far more up on the latest GUE decisions and debates than most of the mods. Thats just the way it is.
The power of the forum lies within the experts on the forum. You guys all know who they are. And even those of you who are not GUE Tech 1/2 or Cave certified generally can recognize a troll when you smell one.
Basically, its your forum. Mods can ban people and move threads and get radical, but there are not enough mods to cover every post on every thread. The power of the forum lies in the experienced members of the forum.
If you witness some act of utter bozonity occurring, some horrendous tool coming on here to sling smack, don't let it happen. Call them on it. It's your forum.
If you want a thread nuked, report it. We'll nuke it.
People ask "why do the mods let this crap happen? this forum sucks!"
I respond "this forum exists for DIR users to talk DIR with other DIR guys, and for new divers and students to learn new ideas. why do the DIR guys put up with this BS from the unwashed masses? It's THEIR forum. Why don't they run people who talk to the voices and spout unmitigated nonsense out of the forum?"
If the users of this forum want to see a change, fine, lets all work together to make a change. But its going to take everyone working together. When you become a Mod, no one issues you a magic wand to wave at problem threads to 'make it all better'.
We can talk about structural changes, and perhaps some structural changes are in order. But even with structural changes, the bottom line is that its up to those more experienced divers and users of this forum to assist in ensuring the forum meets users needs. The Mods alone are not going to be able to effect long-term meaningful change by themselves.
Meanwhile, when you guys see a bunch of trunk monkeys jumping over the fence and running into the forum flinging monkey poo and hitting themselves on the head and uttering loud cries of gibberish, run them out of the damned forum. The rules here are pretty simple and pretty clear. If someone wants to be a dick, its because they have been allowed to act dickish. Object strenuously! Ultimately its your forum.

Carpe Diem!