Tiger Attack

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The TP holder dictates the correct installation. Your normal, single-roll model (probably what you have at home) must always feed from the top/front. For industrial/commecial rigs that hold an internal spare roll that "appears" when the first roll is almost spent, then the feed should be from the bottom. (This doesn't increase the pressure between the roll and the dispenser which leads to premature tearing.)

The only exception is when the home in question has a child or small animal that can easily empty a front/top feeding holder by spinning. (Of course, my daughter once pulled all the tissues out of the box because it was like magic.)


Kat once bubbled...
What about the toilet paper debate? Should it unroll from the top or the bottom?

For me it has to be over the top. There is nothing worse than using the throne in a strange place and the paper comes out from the bottom. I think there should be some sort of worldwide standardization to this. Anybody with me here :D
I guess your right, since I've never seen the toilet paper in basic black. Pink, blue an occasional floral pattern. Alas, no black.

So we now have renegade TP installers putting the life support of the bathroom in the dispenser willie-nillie.

And as for you mofosaurus, why I ought'a......
How do I send you a PM ? :confused: Good Divin, George
...or that the food chain even has a top? You will eventually be eaten by maggotts and worms, unless you chose to be cremated. There is no food chain. There is only a circle, by means of which organic matter is returned to the pool to be re-used by other organisms.

We are nothing without technology. In a true state of nature, the tiger would win over a man. And the tiger would also be eaten by vultures and worms.

Kind of makes you all teary-eyed, doesn't it? (sniff)
It occurs to me that tigers do not use toilet paper.

However, if they did, I'm sure they would prefer that it roll from the top.

a bear relieves himself in the woods

he looks around and sees a rabbit

the bear asks the rabbit if he ever has trouble getting poop out of his fur

the rabbit says no

so the bear wipes himself with the rabbit

:drummer: rimshot

no but seriusly folks .......
Looks like the spin on the incident is a lot more interesting than the inciden.

A lady's big hairdo in the front row set off the tiger-club management

Biting him on the neck was a protective gesture when he fell-sigfried.

When he fell it triggered the dormant prey instinct in the tiger- tv animal trainer

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