Tidal Energy for Elecricity Production

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0.165, League's are used for horizontal distance and fathoms for vertical
Yeah, a league is about three miles. 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea isn't about being 60,000 miles deep. :)
well then we should go back to coal as wrecked steam engines are far cooler to look at than a diesel

Does digging for coal use less joules than refining diesel oil

The problem with the cruise ships is immense and multi-faceted. They use seawater for ballast which they take in and dump out spreading disease to the corals everywhere they go. Their maneuvering thrusters stir up sediment in an unnatural way killing the corals. They burn bunker oil which is stinky and far worse than diesel. The supporting infrastructure (docks, fuel, resupply) is impactful to the immediate environment and visually unsightly. In fact these floating circus carnivals themselves are unsightly and stupid looking things.

Then the next issue is that they unload 8,0000 Walmart shoppers who are led on "experience" tours to sample the native culture which is rapidly replaced by shops selling China made trinkets displacing the locals and the native culture, traditions and art.

And of course any reef degradation is blamed on Scuba Steve, it must be the divers! Of course it is the declining number of divers destroying the reefs. I mean, like, it could not possibly be those huge floating pollution factories could it?

IMO, diver travel and divers have a minuscule impact on the environment compared to cruise ships and wherever cruise ships go there is an immediate decline to the environment and culture.
The problem with the cruise ships is immense and multi-faceted. They use seawater for ballast which they take in and dump out spreading disease to the corals everywhere they go. Their maneuvering thrusters stir up sediment in an unnatural way killing the corals. They burn bunker oil which is stinky and far worse than diesel. The supporting infrastructure (docks, fuel, resupply) is impactful to the immediate environment and visually unsightly. In fact these floating circus carnivals themselves are unsightly and stupid looking things.

Then the next issue is that they unload 8,0000 Walmart shoppers who are led on "experience" tours to sample the native culture which is rapidly replaced by shops selling China made trinkets displacing the locals and the native culture, traditions and art.

And of course any reef degradation is blamed on Scuba Steve, it must be the divers! Of course it is the declining number of divers destroying the reefs. I mean, like, it could not possibly be those huge floating pollution factories could it?

IMO, diver travel and divers have a minuscule impact on the environment compared to cruise ships and wherever cruise ships go there is an immediate decline to the environment and culture.
An old friend of ours who was born on Cozumel and who owned and ran a business there for several decades pulled up stakes a few years ago and moved to Merida. When we asked him why he was doing this, he said it was because of the cruise ships and adding, "Cozumel is a whore". I call the development across Melgar from the naval station "Puta Langosta".

My first trip to Cozumel was in 1978. I still love it there, but man, has it changed.

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