I've moved your thread to the NELD forum, as you'll get more answers from here.
First off, snares are definately not legal. anything that can be used to lasso the bugh isn't allowed. I don't know the exact rule, but someone mentioned nothing with over a 90 degree bend, which is probably correct.
If anyone gets visited by the Cape Ann Lobster cops more than I do, I would be greatly surprised. I swear the one guy drives around until he finds my car. He's on me or my group if anything is out of order.
He's never said anything about my tickle stick.
The 5 inch limit can be waived in zone C [I believe], whatever the backside of the cape's zone is. You can get a license for that zone with the 5 inch limit waived, but you can't dive for lobsters in any other zone. If you don't take the exception for the 5 inch limit, then you can dive for lobsters throughout the state, but you're limited to the min and max range.
so your choice is no max and only backside of cape cod; or throughout the state but limited to under 5 inches.