My cousin just lost two of his kids in a house fire. They were very young, and unable to escape from the upstairs. By the time the parents realized the house was on fire it was too late to get to them as the house was engulfed.But then there are still homes in America without Smoke Alarms and most don't have CO Alarms, and they are so cheap! I like one in every bedroom, plus living areas.
I have smoke detectors/CO alarms in the bedrooms and one in the hallway. Well I did until last weekend when one of my Nests alerted me that it had "failed". Gotta get a replacement under warranty. i wanted a smoke alarm that sends me a text so if I am not home I can at least call the fire department. Assuming it isn't my router or modem that starts the fire The Nest system will also shut the heater down in the event of a CO alert. Although I am switching my heating to hydronic with solar, and probably going with a heat pump. No more flames.