This Sat at BS & Indyucky email list!

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As dive4christ suggested, is there anybody to plan to be wet this Sat at Blue Springs? Don’t worry! It is not a clean up event.:wink: The temperature is going to hit 79 F this Saturday. Let’s celebrate new season and have fun together.


In addition, I suggested the email list for Indyucky divers (Indiana & Kentucky) last November. So far, there are six members who sent an email address, location, and preferred dive sites. Please let me know if you want to put your email address into the list.
I want to join. My email is, Just put scubaboard in the subject line. I love BS or New Paris OH as they are close but on a good weekend I will dive just about anywhere in IN

As dive4christ suggested, is there anybody to plan to be wet this Sat at Blue Springs? Don’t worry! It is not a clean up event.:wink: The temperature is going to hit 79 F this Saturday. Let’s celebrate new season and have fun together.


In addition, I suggested the email list for Indyucky divers (Indiana & Kentucky) last November. So far, there are six members who sent an email address, location, and preferred dive sites. Please let me know if you want to put your email address into the list.
Great. I already put your address in.:wink:

BTW, how is New Paris compared to BS? I have never been there. Do they have any shower facility over there? I checked out their website, but there isn't that many descriptive information.

I want to join. My email is, Just put scubaboard in the subject line. I love BS or New Paris OH as they are close but on a good weekend I will dive just about anywhere in IN
As dive4christ suggested, is there anybody to plan to be wet this Sat at Blue Springs? Don’t worry! It is not a clean up event.:wink: The temperature is going to hit 79 F this Saturday. Let’s celebrate new season and have fun together.


In addition, I suggested the email list for Indyucky divers (Indiana & Kentucky) last November. So far, there are six members who sent an email address, location, and preferred dive sites. Please let me know if you want to put your email address into the list.

Sign me up too please... Although I am still in the process of getting certified and don't have much to add... YET.


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