this is the thread that I was talking about being censored

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Melbourne Beach, Florida
for some reason beyond me this was moved 2 pages back in a matter of 12 hours.
I just wanted to know why and how this thread is less important than somebody going back up north to Jacksonville or somebody asking what its like living in Florida.
hmmm well if they lower the protection of the manatee it isnt going to be worth much because me and about 25,000 others are going to be really teed off!!!!! hey staff how about leaving this one alone for 5 days huh?

If you are against the lowering of protection of the manatee please replie to this thread by saying so.
reef - the members determine the order of threads. Those with recent posts stay at the top of the list. New posts come in at the top (because they are more recent) until they are replaced by responses to other threads.

Basically, it's all about how many new posts are made, how many responses to other posts are made and how interactive the membership is on a particular post. Some days a thread will not move much at all and other days it'll be back a few pages in a matter of hours!

reef - the members determine the order of threads. Those with recent posts stay at the top of the list. New posts come in at the top (because they are more recent) until they are replaced by responses to other threads.

Basically, it's all about how many new posts are made, how many responses to other posts are made and how interactive the membership is on a particular post. Some days a thread will not move much at all and other days it'll be back a few pages in a matter of hours!

That means i'll have to do more to get replies to my threads then huh.That is unless I want to rely on people looking thru hours of threads to find it. Forgive me I dont think im special and I dont want to be treated that way. I am very passionate about what I do and I do it with hope that it will make a difference. Id love to get some rules from you folks so that I won't keep having problems like this.Is there such a list or set of rules? I basicly got thrown into this forum and I fell in the cracks. No person or group explained any rules to me to follow. In a society like ours, that being the society of divers and of humans who have to relate to each other on a daily basis its ok to neglect to inform or to emply a response. Here it seems like its learn as you go and exspect some bumps in the road.Maybe a few crashes such as me. If I may a suggestion could be to send a file with rules to anyone who has a problem the first time they have a problem, I do not intend this to be a sarcastic statement only a suggestion you could share with the rest of the staff. In a format like this response is the only goal of the user. We seek knowledge therefore we look for answers or we want to share what we have already learned. I think this is a great site and you are doing a great service to mankind, and with such a audiance as mankind scubaboard will surely last forever.
sam, if people don't respond to your threads, they will drop in rank

the threads people respond to will rise to the top

it's the free market at work

ain't it beautiful? :dazzler1:

not to be blunt, but post threads people want to respond to, and you'll
see the results

also, most sites, including ScubaBoard, have a FAQ. do take the time
to read it to become familiar with the place:
Thanks, H2...I always forget the link for the FAQ!

I am so bummed...I read "censored" and got all excited! :gr1:
:blinking: But there's nothing here but an upset person :crying:

Reefsaver, you asked people to respond if they didn't think it important. The lack of posts shows you how important it is to them...

I saw some manatees at Sea World, San Diego a few weeks back.. They are soooo cool. It would be a shame to lower any protection they are currently aforded, which I am sure is not enough...
reef - the members determine the order of threads. Those with recent posts stay at the top of the list. New posts come in at the top (because they are more recent) until they are replaced by responses to other threads.

Basically, it's all about how many new posts are made, how many responses to other posts are made and how interactive the membership is on a particular post. Some days a thread will not move much at all and other days it'll be back a few pages in a matter of hours!


This is a very active board. I hit maybe four or five different boards all concerning different topics (including the most popular iPod site) and this is by far the most active. This board is SO active that I don't expect a brand-new thread of mine to remain on the first page for 15 minutes.

This doesn't matter because the searching works well, although I wouldn't mind seeing a more restrictive search sometimes.
If you are talking about only seeing posts from the forums that you want, that is possible. I did have the link bookmarked but now I can't find it and don't remember where it is posted, but it is doable.

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